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I think it’s not really even about the technology, but the care for the writing. New tech in the industry feels like a guaranteed draw for people because the visuals blow out what the original was able to do. Yet it almost seems that Hollywood is reliant on that in case the story and characters and everything else doesn’t follow through.

Hollywood feels as if they're unwilling to trust new writers and directors with their own visions - they often scramble to interject, adding what they think audiences want to see, instead of allowing a new director to simply tell the story. Then, when the movie receives poor reviews, the executives blame it on the creators and content rather than the punctures they created throughout the creative process.

In an ideal world, money becomes less of the focus. IPs, universes, sequels, etc. would be seriously considered before being made and not set in stone for an indie director to come in for their big payday and steer the pre-programmed ship. I would like to see original scripts being produced and more mainstream genre films that push conventions and tastes.

More resource allocation to independent filmmakers.

Have more diverse actors in non-stereotypical roles.

More respect for writers and the animation industry - I love animated films and it’s been a while since there’s been one for adults.

I feel like this problem is most prevalent in Disney films being remade and I think that they are the company that is in need of new ideas the most.

There's no reward without risk. If Hollywood took a chance on young auteur directors they may see a boom in relevance with a younger, more social media-driven audience or get the Netflix crowd back into the theaters.

I want cool new movies, I want more young female directors, writers and producers. There aren't enough young women in the industry.

Imitation is a compliment, and tribute is paid to originals by deeming them worthy enough for a rebirth. However, this is used as a crutch today and many studios fall to remaking stories to streamline the creative process for a quicker cash grab. In short, remakes are fine as long as they honor and respect the original, changing only necessary elements for the improvement of the project.

Make it more sustainable for a career path and encourage originality and creativity.

I think it’s not really even about the technology, but the care for the writing. New tech in the industry feels like a guaranteed draw for people because the visuals blow out what the original was able to do. Yet it almost seems that Hollywood is reliant on that in case the story and characters and everything else doesn’t follow through.

I feel as if [technology in remakes] loses the quality of handmade problem solving that the craftspeople (usually ILM) so painstakingly created. It's often beautiful work, too, and additions tend to feel unnecessary, adding little to the experience.

Often part of the charm of an old film is the practical effects. Something like Oz the Great and Powerful which CGI's the crap out of the Land of Oz just makes it appear devoid of magic. If Hollywood trusted the director, especially a director like Sam Raimi who is known to be a great director of in-camera effects as seen in Evil Dead 1&2, then maybe these remakes of classics would be more memorable. They are either derivative of the original in an uninspiring way or have no respect for the essence of the original and just care about money from IP marketing.

I think it would be neat to see remakes of older movies that weren’t successful the first time, but could have potential. That mostly removes the risk of “ruining” a classic.

[I would want to change] the power that a handful of studios have over the entire industry, and the lack of artistically driven projects.

Remakes and MCU-type movies have oversaturated the market. They’re not always awful, but given that the vast majority don’t improve on the original, it’s be nice to see more funding for original works. I think these past two years have been pretty great steps for original movies finding financial success, and I’d love to see it continue.

I think the repetitiveness of remakes or even show reboots it’s becoming very redundant and feeling more like they can’t come up with anything new so they’re just doing remakes instead

I think Hollywood should once again focus on newer and different kinds of talent for films. People want to see new ideas with different, ambitious ways of making them. Not the standard blockbuster kind of movies that are more concerned with money than the art form.

While a few good remakes slip through every now and then. Almost all are just entirely the same movies with more famous actors and a $100 million dollars extra in the budget. There’s a lotta other stuff that we could be watching.

There is a wealth of great ideas in the literature of science fiction as yet largely untapped by the film industry.

I feel like a lot of remakes are cash-grabs using well-known IP, and therefore they aren’t remaking movies for the right reasons.

It’s a quick buck. You already have a set audience and you create controversy between the old fans and the new fans. Keeps people talking. I hate it. It is rarely better. New movies don’t take any risks anymore or change so many things to be politically correct and cater to one group.

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